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MBA Disrupted (Discounted): The Fundamentals of Disruption, Innovation and Transformation
Welcome! You don't need an MBA to LEAD in the 21st century...
What will you learn here that will disrupt the MBA content and costs? (1:38)
About Sodan Ray Selva,
History of the Internet and Digital Transformation
A Brief Overview of the Internet, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain and How It Can Shape Our 21st Century
The Digital Transformation of Industries
Optional: Digital Transformation Analysis
The Digital Era Business Landscape and Visioning Future Businesses
Financial Statement Fundamentals in Less Than 60 MinutesLesson 1
Emerging Digital Business Model Patterns and Applications
The Emerging Digital Business Landscape
Optional: Application of Future State Visioning Framework (As Is vs. To Be) to Industry Transformation
The Components of Building A Digital Business
AirBnB Case Study: Launching A Digital Business and the Challenges of Scale
Learning and Applying The Business Model Canvas
Optional: Application of Business Model Canvas To The Evolution of Netflix's Business Model and Current State of Another Company In Industry
What is Digital Marketing in 15 minutes
Rapid Customer Feedback and Product Prototyping
How Innovative Design and Product Prototyping Happen
Using Data To Make Hits - Netflix, Zynga and Amazon Case Studies
Selecting The Right Architecture for Your Digital Applications
Optional (But Important Exercises Here): Application of Business Model Canvas to Future State Industry and Customer Job To Be Done Prototype
Success and Growth In The 21st Century and Conclusion
Growth Mindset: Surviving the 21st Century
Zero To One: "Competition is for Losers"
The Hooked Model: Making Habit Forming Digital Products
Growth Hacking Overview: Testing to Succeed
Living Work and Life In An Age of Disruption and Accelerated Change
Optional: Transforming YOU for the 21st Century
What's Next?
How Innovative Design and Product Prototyping Happen
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